Plymouth's Almanac
A collection of all things nature
We are looking for images. Photographs that showcase the wonderful landscape and heritage of our city across the seasons. The Conscious Sisters CIC is compiling a calendar of a Plymouth year through the lens of nature in order to produce a free almanac for the city.
An almanac is an annual publication listing a set of events forthcoming in the next year. It includes information like weather forecasts, farmers' planting dates, tide tables etc.
The final alamanac will be a free resource to help Plymothians and visitors to the city explore the beauty of our changing landscape and develop a deeper connection with the natural world.
​The almanac will feature photos, interviews, drawings, planting dates, weather forecasts, plants, stories, myths, folklore, ceremony and showcase our clan-kind project.
So what happens to your neighbourhood in spring? Are there any bluebells or wild garlic? How about blossom, are you blessed with any trees in your community? If so grab some shots.
​Not only will you be helping our city appreciate the glorious landscape (urban and built) but you will be invited to a special reception to launch the project and be gifted a hard copy of the finished almanac . You don't need to be a professional photographer, anyone can enter. We are encouraging entries from children too.
Please upload your images to our public gallery, you will need to sign up as a member which is free and takes a couple of minutes.
Mayflower 400 and has been funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Mayflower 400 Cultural Fund.