Blood Memory
An audio trail that helps you connect to nature
People in Plymouth have been discovering more about nature and ancestry thanks to a new Indigenous Artist-led app as part of the digital Mayflower 400 Settlement project.
'Blood Memory' gives walkers the chance to discover interactive land-based stories at different check points within the city's Central Park, including a trail to Pounds House.
Offering a great way to connect with the outdoors this winter, the story-filled walking app enables people to enjoy a new kind of walk by embarking on the Indigenous Artist-led trail in this much-loved park.
Users also have the chance to upload their own land-based stories to contribute to the app's collection of 'Blood Memory' nature stories.
Below is a quick guide to using the 'Blood Memory' nature-based geocaching app in Central Park:
Search for the Echoes app on a smart device and you will find.
Once downloaded, search for 'Blood Memory' on the ECHOES app and download the walk of choice.
The Blood Memory app relates to walks in New York, Santa Fe and Central Park in Plymouth. The chosen walk works best if downloaded first, but it can also be live-streamed at the park.
Where to walk and begin
Make your way to the Home Park or Barne Park entrance of Central Park in Plymouth. Go to the app and start the walk. A map will appear with large square shapes covering the paths - those are stories.
As walkers pass from one story square to another, the story will change. Follow the trail to Pounds House and experience a selection of fascinating indigenous stories which explore the storyteller's relationship with the land.
Record your own nature-based Blood Memory story
Inspired by the stories in the app? The Blood Memory app gives users the chance to record their very own stories.
Simply email and to find out more and receive instructions on how to record your own nature-based 'Blood Memory'.
You can download the app ECHOES APP
Blood Memory has been created by Artists Stina Hamlin and Jade Begay and produced by Tracey Rector for the digital artist platform
Arts Council England