Bringing people together to appreciate the natural world
Clan-Kind helps people living in Plymouth develop a deeper connection between place & community by bringing together diverse groups to learn about the natural or built heritage in their neighbourhood in a participatory and unexpected way.
Using community art to forge new and original bonds with each neighbourhood's natural assets. Clan-Kind develops creative ‘micro-nations’ or clans focused around celebrating their natural heritage be it tin mine, prehistoric cave, silted creek, forest, orchard, castle or cove. Clans developed so far include ‘Children of the Dead Lake’, ‘The Creek Defenders’, ‘The Stone Bone Clan’ and 'The Whispering Whirlpools'.
Workshops and go & see trips bring to life the heritage of their chosen site. Then creative, historical and environmental practitioners help develop a clan identity, name and bespoke culture including ritual, dance, regalia, recipes, craft, planting, design all inspired by their location's past and present.
Clan-Kind was inspired by the Settlement project and working in partnership with Native American artist Cannupa Hanska Luger. This work additionally acts as a bridge for Plymothians, enabling them to access contemporary art from the indigenous people of North America.
Join our Clan-Kind Facebook page to find out about ways to get involved.
"The year five children at Manadon Vale have LOVED taking part in Clan-Kind. The project has been engaging, informative, exciting and brilliantly organised. It was amazing to be able to continue throughout lockdown thanks to Karen. The children involved have gained so much by participating and have a broader view of Mayflower events. I will not hesitate to recommend The Conscious Sisters to colleagues across the city. Thank you." Amy Ranjbar -Manadon Vale Primary School.
National Lottery Heritage Fund, Arts Council England and Mayflower 400.